Legal notice

Legal notice


Facility Austria:
Worthington Cylinders GmbH
Beim Flaschenwerk 1
3291 Kienberg bei Gaming

Tel.: +43.7485.606-0
Fax: +43.7485.606-100  


Legal Form
Private Limited Liability Company
Company Register FN 167898, Provincial Court of St. Pölten

GPS Data

GPS for Trucks: 47.940004  15.125584  

GPS for Cars:  47.94100, 15.12059


Disclosure according to § 25 Media Act

Media Owner: Worthington Cylinders GmbH

Purpose of the Medium: this website serves to inform visitors and interested parties about services, products, projects, customers and activities of the company as well as about all topics that are related to its activities.

Disclaimer: All information has been carefully researched, but it is not guaranteed to be correct. With regard to the technical characteristics of the Internet, no guarantee can be given for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information made available on the Internet. There is no guarantee for the availability or the operation of this website and its contents. Any liability for direct, indirect or other damages, regardless of their causes, which arise from the use or unavailability of the data and information on this website, is excluded, as far as legally permissible.

Key Data

Company Address
Worthington Cylinders GmbH
Beim Flaschenwerk 1
3291 Kienberg at Gaming

Company Name and Legal Form
Worthington Cylinders GmbH

Commercial Register Number FN167898i
Landesgericht St. Pölten

DVR No.: 0958263

VAT-ID: ATU45078703

Information according to e-Commerce Law

Bezirksgericht Wien, Innere Stadt

Content is an online offer of Worthington Cylinders GmbH and informs you about services, products, the company, areas of activity, the range of services, references as well as specific topics and subject areas. The internet presentation fully complies with the information requirements according to § 5 Abs. 1 ECG (e-Commerce-Law). Should you require further information, please contact us.

Use of the Content
The contents of the presentation are made available for viewing on the Internet and can be used for personal (private) use, but not copied or digitally and analogously reproduced. If you intend to use the content commercially or otherwise, you must obtain the consent of Worthington Cylinders GmbH.

Worthington Cylinders GmbH reserves the right to modify or cancel services offered by the website without giving reasons. From undelivered services, no legal claim can be derived to Worthington Cylinders GmbH. We assume no liability for the technical and contextual use of service packages or online products and the provision of services in the event of possible insurance claims.

The texts of the Internet presentation are intellectual property of Worthington Cylinders GmbH and are therefore protected by copyright under § 2 Abs. 3 of the Copyright Act or were provided to Worthington Cylinders GmbH by the respective owners for this purpose (representation within the framework of

The images (photos, graphics …) are the property of Worthington Cylinders GmbH or provided to Worthington Cylinders GmbH by the respective owners for this purpose (representation within the framework of and are in accordance with § 3 paragraph 1 and 2 Copyright Act.
Please note the instructions in the image material and that the images may only be used for display on

Links to External Content
On our page you will also find links to other internet presentations. We assume no responsibility and liability for the content and existing links to other presentations displayed there, since we cannot influence the content. If, contrary to expectations, content is not displayed or links are no longer up-to-date, we ask you to inform us immediately.

Concept, Programming and Design // 2023

Concept and Design by Rio Creativo
Programming and Realization by FALKEmedia
Select Content by The Gentlemen Creative